Thursday, August 19, 2021

rocket task!!!

 yesterday kea did a google meet and the teachers gave us a task.We had to build a rocket so me and my friends built one on minecraft.First we made a launch pad for the rocket then we started the rocket.We made the rocket out of concrete and glass then put some doors.I thought we were gonna keep it but then we put tnt to act like it was a misson fail.  


Friday, August 13, 2021


    Did you know that the machine that built                          waterview tunnel is called alice?

yesterday Kea read a book about tunnels for storychat.When we finished we split into our workshops and i went to whaea Oceas workshop. me and some people went into the sandpit and  built a moterway with a tunnel in between and put a little pool.I had to go inside and the teacher said for one person from each workshop to share.Then i put my hand up and told the class and went to do something.When i came back at lunchtime it was destroyed after like 20-30 minutes and i went inside.